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Three loosely connected love stories. The first story: Paula is a talented dancer who cannot truly live unless she dances. But has a heart condition, which means she cannot live if she does. The second story: Tommy despises his French tutor, and hates being a child. He wants moxia.cc to be an adult so he can do what he wants. He gets his wish, being transformed into a handsome young man for one evening, and learns about whole new side of his French tutor. Third story: Pierre Narval is trapeze artist who gave it up when his partner died doing a dangerous stunt at his bidding. He rescues Nina, a beautiful young woman, after she throws herself into the Seine, and convinces her to become his new aerial partner. Her husband had been killed by the Nazis during the war, and she blames herself. They fall in love, which is tested when Nina must perform the stunt which killed Pierre's former partner.


  • 3.0 HD 五十度灰(删减版) 达科塔·约翰逊,詹米·多南,埃里克·约翰逊,艾洛斯·慕福特,贝拉·希思科特,瑞塔·奥拉,卢克·葛莱姆斯,维克多·罗塞克,马克斯·马蒂尼,布鲁斯·奥尔特曼,金·贝辛格,马西娅·盖伊·哈登,安德鲁·爱尔莱,萝宾·李,艾米·普赖斯-弗朗西斯
  • 9.0 正片 聂隐娘之绝命刺杀 南笙 , 金翀 , 郑媛元 , 维妮 , 李炳雷
  • 9.0 正片 幸福额度 林志玲,廖凡,陈坤,杨祐宁,张小燕
  • 1.0 HD 快递丘比特 唐菀,张译文,薛山,章小军,祁映诺,王惠乔
  • 2.0 BD 死神降临 K·J·阿帕,英迪娅·埃斯利,斯科特·阿金斯,詹姆斯·瑞马尔,西德尼·帕克,阿纳斯塔西亚·齐卡那瓦,吉米·卡明斯,艾莉·康纳尔,Devon Diep,Joseph Ramah,帕特里克·M·沃尔什,Pamela Figueiredo,Allie Marshall,Brooklyn Brailsford,Christopher Foley
  • 5.0 HD 恋爱三万英尺 方力申,谢君豪,黄又南,刘羽琦,张佳楠,赵荣,郑晓宁

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